Ravaging Vampire Attack

I’ll admit that I was a little behind the social networking curve. I was still a Friendster guy when clearly it was time to move up to Facebook (which is apparently the adult way to send a Ravaging Vampire Attack to another adult). But, having seen the light of day (and overcome some skepticism) I’ve fully embraced the medium and see full well the advantages it offers—both privately and for business.

Privately, I’ve found those 238 friends I’d somehow lost touch with, seen pictures of people’s children, gasped that some of those people actually had children, and now, as of 8 weeks ago, have began posting adorable images of my newborn son (seriously … cutest child ever).

In the business world, Facebook pages and also other networks like LinkedIn have begun to grow as a way for companies to put a fresh face on and spread the word about upcoming events and product launches. While I won’t post a link to my own pages, I will leave you with a couple of networks that have popped up for the PROMOTIONS EAST 2009 trade show. Seems like a good way to break the ice before trying to get the sale.

Linked In:


Next week I’ll start looking into the Twitter.

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